Friday, March 29, 2019
Opposing Models and Approaches to Care of the Elderly
Opposing Models and Approaches to Cargon of the ElderlyMaria in that respectsa O. SeguerraINTRODUCTIONThe seemly practice in occupy is non just ab pop having to do things well or having the adequate know takege, it also involves showing good righteous and attitude towards muckle. The best elbow room to determine that you gravel take placen out the suit open boot is putting yourself in the former(a) soulfulnesss shoe. The right way to social cargon is to always involve a good respect base (Social look at Institute for Excellence, 2014).In this paper, we ar tasked to weigh the pros and drawbacks of the theories and commandments that concerns the mortal- centred preliminary to address for quite a little piteous with insanity and other health conditions for the elderlies.The TaskQuestion 1Person- centred nestleThis type of admission shot directly addresses the person as a single and unique various(prenominal) kinda than looking through them generally or perhaps treating them back-to-back with regards to their indisposition condition.This method targets to compassionate for the person with dementia as an item-by-item with uniqueness, interests and exacts rather than aiming to treat their illnesses or disabilities that they are currently suffering. kinda of focusing on their illness symptoms, this approach considers the person as a whole and is contendd for holistically.There are eight (8) approaches that cover this type of approach, the followers areIndividuality Every person is unique from wizard another. A person suffering from dementia is stereo-typed as an individual who has muddled his freedom and conformity to society thus he is not handled as soul who still possess his take right to distinctiveness and dignity. It should be the slickness that people deal to visit that these ones must be given value and respect as an individual despite having mental impairment. To be able to fretfulness for these clients, accurate and in- depth history of the clients necessitate and preferences should be noted. These information should be sorted out well liberal by the health care providers and handed over in a very precise manner to the caregivers so as to bring n archean the best care as what their love ones earn expected.RightsAlthough demented people put up slowly diminished sense of personal identity, their personal rights have been gradually eroded too. However, blush if these have occurred in them, their personal character, ethical motive and values still retain. We flowerpot see that these people have lost their critical thinking, comprehension and judgment the crusade why m each of their rights have been violated and abused by the people around them. In prescribe to protect the clients, oddly those who are confined in aged care facilities, they always have the power of attorney.The power of attorney is a pen document that the client has given to another person to take bitch or to represe nt in behalf of the clients personal affairs and other legal matters against the wishes of the others (Citizens Advice Bureau NZ, 2014).In order to give these people the care that they deserve, those who are included in the care must have an environment conducive for demented people, for them to be able to understand to a greater extent(prenominal) of their sentiments, and interests. Also, an environment which is secure and safe because protection is always the priority for them. plectronHealth care providers especially those ones who are involved directly with the care of people with dementia must not assume that they are not capable enough to gain their own decisions. They should however, must be back up in deciding with their daily preferences and needs. Good coaction with them enhances their chance to observe independence and self- worth. To be able to create the plan of care to these clients, early detection of dementia is ideal for the healthcare providers to be able give them choices and plan out a comprehensive person- centred approach of care.PrivacyThis principle is very significant to every individual, in general. This should be uphold and encouraged. Issues pertaining to loneliness and confidentiality must be dealt with accordingly, thus during staff meetings and inductions it should be emphasized that privateness and confidentiality of the clients must be obtained. Moreover, simple measures must be done especially in giving them their personal spaces and time. These simple approaches conceal huge concern to the clients daily living.IndependenceAs dementia progresses, an individuals capabilities of doing his own activities of daily living diminishes. It is not that they cannot carry out the activities any(prenominal) more than, it is just that they unremarkably forget what they are supposed to do. The main conclude why they need guidance and assistance most of the time and not imposing on them. When the caregivers enact things according to their wants just to get their work done in a fast manner, they are trying to take away the clients freedom and independence.DignityPeople with dementia should be handled with termination respect. Always remember the person they used to be and dementia itself entirely should be the second of the priorities. In that way, when the healthcare providers use that awareness to make decisions slightly their care and their daily routine is one way of maintaining the endurings dignity (A Place for Mom, 2015).Always take into consideration that the person with dementia has no control of their judgment, memory and communication anymore. Therefore it is our work to make modifications so as to help them direct their needs.Respect delirium is seen as a slow deterioration of an individuals temper until there is nothing left of that person and still, that person carries on. It is always a rule of thumb to maintain that much needed respect they need and in order to do so, staff should less en embarrassment to the patient and focus on their optimistic attributes. Also, it is important to validate a persons sense of self and self- worth (Victoria, 2014).AutonomyClients suffering from dementia still has the capacity to make even small decisions. Although they are incapable(p) of comprehending and deciding complicated tasks but still they deserve to be well-thought-of well.A patients autonomy should be respected even if the client is against the health care providers recommendation. This has helped develop cooperation and collaboration in making health related decisions (University of Miami Ethics Program, 2015).Question 2Non- person- centred approachThis method is aimed in looking at the individual rather than viewing the person holistically. There are two perspectives in this approach, these areInstitution perspectiveThis type of perspective is directed to the establishments and facilities which focus on the care of elderly patients. Such establishments are those retir ement villages, rest homes, breast feeding homes.The care plans made in this type of perspective are found on the institutions policies and goals.Bio Medical perspectiveThis perspective is found on the thought that human development is based on reason and rationality.In this model, it is believed that science and technology can improve human health. There are six assumptions in this perspective. First and foremost, that mind and body can be cured independently. Second, the body is like a machine that when it breaks defeat it can still be repaired. Third, that medicine should develop a more advanced solution to the health problems. Fourth, biomedicine focuses on the biological aspect of the disease process not considering the psychological and social issues. Fifth, it is tell that every disease has its own etiology and lastly, medicine is the only way through judgment the disease and illness process (Cantley, 2001).Question 3Reality- orientation approachThis method follows a vie w point of in- patient treatment for minimizing mix-up in geriatric patients. In this philosophy, it is said that confusion comes fromUnder- stimulation of the patient.Care providers absence of persuasion or anticipation that the client perform his principle behaviour.Care givers no reinforcement of expected behaviours when the behaviours are performed (Taulbee and Folsom Folsom, 1968).Validation approachThis approach uses interaction of patients in the later stage of Alzheimers. This method aims to understand and feel for the needs of the person that he is trying to express. So, the concept of verification approach is the thought that people suffering with dementia say and reason out things with a purpose, and validating what they say and do is a way of boosting them to communicate openly and expressively with others (Pekker, 2011).Reminiscence techniquesThis technique includes the discussion of activities, events and experiences in the past with a group, usually with the help o f noticeable and familiar things from the past. The participants, in this technique, are encouraged to express about past experiences at to the lowest degree once weekly. Also, there is also a life review that involves a one on one session in which the individual is led chronologically with his life experiences and encouraged to assess them and sometimes they whitethorn be able to make a life story book. This approach is said to be one of the used interventions in the care of patients with dementia and is extremely rated by participants because it has evidently improved the mood and cognition of the clients.Assistive technologiesThis refers to any equipment, products or items used in helping to improve or maintain the capabilities of demented people most especially with their functional abilities, cognition and communication. This is beneficial to both parties, the carers and the demented client, as the job would be made easier and safer, easier and more person- centred.Holistic approachClients with dementia may have benefitted from medication treatment, this approach believe that all individuals benefit from this type of method to care. There are four pillars in this approach, and these areEnvironmentalThere are environmental factors that triggers and enhances reactions and behaviours for the demented person. By accurately assessing these factors and eliminating those hazards, health care providers can down agitation, irritability, anxiety and maintain an environment conducive for living.CommunicationIt is important for caregivers in caring or dementia people to use effective communication methods because in this way reduction in agitation and frustration from the clients may result if and when you talk to them in a manner that is comforting. Dementia care communication can be verbal or non- verbal and learned the difference impacts greatly as the demented individual can be affected either positively or negatively by language and body language.Nutrition alGiving the client the appropriate nutritional needs can affect your care to them. Foods rich in fibre braves digestive health and bowel movement, increase fluid intake can stand up hydration needs. Thus, it is evident that diet holds an important role in maintaining the old persons well- macrocosm and health.QUESTION 4PUBLIC wellness AND HEALTH PROMOTIONDemented people would require needed help and upkeep in the long run especially when the illness has advanced to a higher level. They may not be able to express their thoughts and insights about their care. However, many organizations may it be publicly or privately- owned support them by providing good awareness and advocacy services. For example, for those clients who prefer to plosive speech sound in their homes can still be supported through the elder care locator wherein they can freely choose the caregiver they want to care for them that lives nearby. Also, Alzheimers Association 24/7 Hotline where all questions by the c lient, loved ones, friends and family are being answered and explained to them in a way that can intimately be understood. This can be accessed 24/7 at any time of the day. Lastly, the Alzheimers Association is another organization for those elderlies who wish to stay in a care facilities. This type of association gives a innate explanation and choices of care facilities and its location that suits the elderly clients.ATTITUDES TO HEALTH AND DEMAND FOR health careThe young generation of today are surveyed to be afraid of develop and getting old most especially when they think about suffering from dementia because of the societys stigma that they may face in the future. However, the aging process is inevitable and there is nothing that can be done to turn back time. Dementia is bound to be one of the add-ons when growing old and the young nurses these today are predestined to care for this aging population however, it will be a lot easier for them to do this because of the many or ganizations that support the Alzheimers community. They help and direct them towards the progress of the clients well- being and health. Therefore, it is right to give the elderlies with utmost respect and dignity regardless of play and condition.ReferencesA Place for Mom. (2015). Retrieved from http//, C. (2001). A Handbook of Dementia Care. Philadelphia, PA stretch out University Press.Net industries. (2015). Retrieved from Medicine encyclopedia http//, M. (2011, November 9th). Blogger corporation. Retrieved from Alzheimers review http//, S. o. (2014, July 16). Department of Health, domain of Victoria Australia. Retrieved from http//, B. S. (2005, April 18). PubMed. Retrieved from Cochrane Databa se Syst Rev http//
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